Squared GmbH
Bismarckstraße 6
74072 Heilbronn
Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Registernummer: HRB 780241
USt-ID: DE346591699
Geschäftsführer: Pavlo Topchiy, Sergej Penkow
E-Mail: accounts (at)
Privacy and policies
All rights reserved. Care has been taken to ensure that the content of this web site is as accurate as possible. Squared UG however does not accept any liability whatsoever for errors or for any information which is found to be misleading. The contents of this web site may change from times to times without prior notice, and do not create, specify, modify or replace any new or prior contractual obligations agreed upon in writing between Squared UG or its subsidiaries and the User.
Personal Information
Personal information is not permanently stored other than the contact information (typically name and email-address) provided directly to Squared UG during initial contact by the user. These details are stored purely for the purposes of maintaining contact with the user.
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